News & Events

Sharing reintegration activities and Annual Party for year 2020. 

      On December 11th-12th, 2020 Cannew International Co.,Ltd has been “Sharing Reintegration Activities and Annual Party for the year 2020” By donating consumables to “Center for the Blind and Disabled redundant Nayok”.

Thank you for Mr. Chatchawan Egawarin (Managing director) / Mr. Anusak Gunapat (General manager) as well as all of the executives and employees are honored to attend this event.


November 12th, 2020  Khun Anusak Gunapat, General Manager and The management team as well as the staffs of "Cannew InNovember 12th, 2019  Khun Anusak Gunapat, General Manager and The management team as well as the staffs of "Cannew International Co., Ltd." had annual merit ceremony by giving alms & offering food to 9 monks. To be prosperous to the organization and create morale for employees.


Big Cleaning Day 2020

Cannew Internatinal
realize the importance of cleanliness matters it is very important to get cooperation from all personnel in the company. We must use the 5S process by campaigning for personnel to realize cleanups, convenient, clean, and hygienic and create habits.

Therefore, our company has set up the BIG CLEANING DAY project on October 2nd, 2020. For organize activities to instill the consciousness of personnel to maintain a good working environment on an annually.



April 27th, 2020
Cannew International donates masks to Bang Phli Hospital. Supportive measures to help fight Covid-19 outbreak.


Cannew International Co.,Ltd
has vigilant measure against the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19) as followings;
1. Temperature screening to all employees and visitors entering and re-entering the factory

2. Washing hands. Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available
3. The employees and visitors to wearing a face mask
4. Spray alcohol in raw material
5. Avoid hight risk areas
In this regard, the company will strictly control and prevent the spread of the infection from the Covid-19 in accordance with the Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health.


March 3rd, 2020

Cannew International Co.,Ltd. has organized training topic "Leadership Development & Management Foundation" . To provide staff with knowledge and understanding of leadership roles, to gain technical knowledge for leadership development and to be able to apply knowledge and apply development team as a good leader.


February 29th, 2020

Annual Fire Fighting and Fire Evacuation Training 2020

Cannew International Co.,Ltd. has event fire drills and fire evacuation drills for the year 2020 by a cooperation with Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Bangpleeyai. They are coaching and education “how to aid and basic fire suppression” to protect and prepare to fire correctly and safely.


Sharing reintegration activities and Annual Party for year 2019.

      On December 13-14, 2019 Cannew International Co.,Ltd has been “Sharing Reintegration Activities and Annual Party for the year 2019” By donating consumables to elderly in nursing home “Lamyai Father Foster”, Moo4, Ban Thawe, Ladyar, Muang, Kanchanaburi 71190.

Thank you for Mr. Chatchawan Egawarin (Managing director) / Mr. Anusak Gunapat (General manager) as well as all of the executives and employees are honored to attend this event.


November 12th, 2019
  Khun Anusak Gunapat, General Manager and The management team as well as the staffs of "Cannew International Co., Ltd." had annual merit ceremony by giving alms & offering food to 9 monks. To be prosperous to the organization and create morale for employees.



February 22, 2019

Annual Fire Fighting and Fire Evacuation Training 2019

Cannew International Co.,Ltd. has event fire drills and fire evacuation drills for the year 2019 by a cooperation with Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Bangplee-Yai. They are coaching and education “how to aid and basic fire suppression” to protect and prepare to fire correctly and safely.


May 10-11, 2018. 

Cannew International Co., Ltd. Thailand have cooperate with BWF Envirotec by Mr. Christoph Tasotti, General Manager from BWF Wuxi have arranged the seminar under concept “Filter Media in the Industries” at Amari Don Muang Airport Bangkok, Thailand. 

In the seminar, there are more than 60 clients from many applications attend a seminar, example Cement, Power Plant, Incinerator, Metal, Feed Mill, Brewery and etc. 

Mr. Christoph introduced about BWF Group and describe characters of each filter media thoroughly until the last, ask and answer questions before close the seminar. 

Cannew International Co.,Ltd. thank you again for Mr. Christoph and BWF Envirotec valuable support and look forward to continuing our successful cooperation in the years ahead.


Sharing reintegration activities and Annual Party for year 2018. 

      On December 7-8, 2018 Cannew International Co.,Ltd has been “Sharing Reintegration Activities and Annual Party for the year 2018” By donating consumables to “Center for the Blind and Disabled redundant Nayok”.

Thank you for Mr. Chatchawan Egawarin (Managing director) / Mr. Anusak Gunapat (General manager) as well as all of the executives and employees are honored to attend this event.


June 15th, 2018
Khun Anusak Gunapat, General Manager and The management team as well as the staffs of "Cannew International Co., Ltd." had annual merit ceremony by giving alms & offering food to 9 monks. To be prosperous to the organization and create morale for employees.


Annual Fire Fighting and Fire Evacuation Training 2018

Cannew International Co.,Ltd. has event fire drills and fire evacuation drills for the year 2018 by a cooperation with Disaster Prevention and Mitigation of Bangplee-Yai. They are coaching and education “how to aid and basic fire suppression” to protect and prepare to fire correctly and safely.



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